Monday, November 8, 2010

How can you hold so close to you
What you once resented.
You speak of it as a part of your identity,
And I suppose it has become so
But you only noticed because it was once missing.

Pulled by rope you tumble to their side
I wonder if you have forgotten
What once compelled you so,
But I don’t think I should ever ask.

The world has tilted and it now makes sense to you
But it makes less sense every day
If you are compelled to question it.

I worry sometimes, that you think down upon
What you have left behind
And it surprises me that once you did understand.
But I don’t think things are ever that simple

We have two different realities
That crash and tumble
As this earth spins around on its axis
And we both see our paths clearly
Two parallel lines that can exist beside each other
And occasionally cross paths.

This earth has no centre
And I’m glad we can all be here.

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