Its going insane
The daily things I used to love so much
Now seem so distant
I’m walking in a cloud of distraction
I feel heartbreak already,
Even though things were just getting good.
Maybe it won’t even happen,
Maybe it will.
Why do I already feel the effects now?
I might go numb,
Or I might feel nothing at all
(those are really the same, aren’t they)
I just don’t want to lose myself.
I wait for the week to go by,
But what is happening during that week?
Surely it is important too.
Please don’t leave me, life
I need you just as much as I ever did
I love you, I always have
And I want to enjoy every second with you
While we are here
I want to feel it all,
Not just breeze over the mediocre parts
The good and the bad
It’s all part of us, life.
So please don’t drift into the clouds
Stay here, with me, in my mind
There’s so much we can learn together
Remember all our friends?
They are the greatest, aren’t they.
Maybe we need to reconnect
We know we only have so much time, anyway.
How will we feel when it’s over?
Well, it isn’t over yet
So why don’t we just push that to the back
Of our pulsating brain
And freeze for a moment to appreciate what is here
ALL of it.
Thinking we hate it all and realizing that we love it
It’s all a part of us, life, it might change soon
But its here, and it will be again
Its time for us to reconnect
Please don’t leave me behind

Hey there, you
It’s good to have you back
You were wandering in the clouds
(or was it below the earth?)
Now I feel like we’re one again
Please stay with me awhile,
Before you do that again, okay?
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