Thursday, March 25, 2010

I just found this on my computer - it's my recollection of some dreams I had on August 28th. Here is the first dream, the other is meaningful to me but may not be as interesting to others, so I won't post it just now. I am usually good at interpreting dreams and understanding what they mean, but lately I haven't been remembering my dreams, which often happens when I am more content. It was interesting for me to stumble upon this now, since as I read it I can remember all these things, but haven't thought of it since and I doubt I would have remembered it on my own. I thought this one was funny, and not as morbidly disturbing as most of my dreams are..


I am at some communal meeting place in town, with several members of my family. It seems there is some event going on, since there are a lot of people there. Everywhere in the sky there are people flying around in kayaks, doing tricks, spinning around, paddling through the sky. The kayakers are not putting on a show and are not part of the event, they are simply up in the sky having fun, just like on any day, yet it seems I am witnessing this bizarre occurrence for the first time. I wonder how they can all be flying around and doing such elaborate spins and turns without flying into each other, then I realize it’s the same as kayaking in the water, where I generally don’t have much trouble, so this must be exactly the same. (However, I have never seen so many kayakers at once in the water, or doing synchronized flips).

Myself and some family members are standing under a tree, talking about something that I’m not really into, and I think we had some luggage with us resting on the ground. There is a small group of girls kayaking in the air above us, they are much lower in the sky than everyone else and they seem to be having some trouble. One keeps swearing and diving lower towards us, almost hitting us, and I suggest to the people I’m with that we move. No one else seems to be concerned though.

We leave on a boat to go home, and I have some vague recollection of some ordeal going on, I don’t remember what it was. When we get home, I go the washroom to have a shower. The washroom is exactly like the laundry room at the house I grew up in, but the shower is where the closet was. It isn’t actually my house though, I think we are at a family member’s house. I pick up a cardboard box containing four pre-prepared meals, and decide which one to eat. The white box has a square divided into four displaying a picture of each meal. The options are rice with lentils, something else with yellow corn, falafel, and I’m not sure what the fourth one was. All are served on a wholewheat tortilla. None of them appealed to me at all, but I decided to go with the falafel. Some cute guy was there and he handed it to me in the shower, I think I was still wearing clothes. I proceed to eat my dinner in the shower, while the water is running, but felt bad about wasting water and think it would make more sense to just eat the food once I am done having the shower. That’s the point of shower dinners though, you’re supposed to eat them in the shower. It’s just like a tv dinner, but it’s meant to be eaten in the shower as to save time when you’re in a hurry to get ready. I remember I used to eat them all the time when I was younger, but now the idea seemed repulsive and wasteful to me and the food was making me feel sick. It still takes the same amount of time to eat the food, so you might as well not eat in the shower with the water running.

People were walking around (mostly family members I think) and they were all acting disdainful that I was eating dinner in the shower. I got defensive and said “it’s a shower dinner. You’re supposed to eat it in the shower, that’s the whole point, people do it all the time”, but really I was just playing devils advocate and I thought the idea was ridiculous myself.

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