I've loved this song since I was a kid, I remember the first time I heard it, my brother was driving and he was talking about it. It's still one of my favourite songs today, its just so incredibly beautiful. The guitar is beautiful, his voice is beautiful, the lyrics are beautiful. Everything about this song is perfect, and it makes me feel at peace.
2. Needle and the Damage Done - Neil Young
This is a sad song about the damaging affects that cocaine can have on one's life, yet it resonates differently with me. This gentle song brings me back to earlier years and leaves me feeling content and slightly sentimental.
3. Save Me - Aimee Mann
Quietly desperate, pretty, sad, dark, intricately simple. This song was featured in the film Magnolia, a strange but interesting movie which Aimee provided most of the soundtrack for, and her music was absolutely perfect for the film. Also listen to Wise Up (very melancholy) and Aimee's cover of One, which was used for the opening of the film. They couldn't have found a better peice for it.
4. Comptine d'une Autre ete - Yann Tiersen (sorry I couldn't put the accents in on ete)
Gorgeous, sweet, sad. This piano peice was featured in the film Amelie. His music really captured the feeling of the film (or perhaps that feeling wouldn't have been complete in the first place without his music). I can feel Amelie's sweet personality, her joy and sorrow, and the streets of France when I listen to this soundtrack. Also listen to La Valse d'Amelie, a magical and light peice which makes me feel terribly sad and happy and the same time, La Noyee, Les Jours Tristes, and La Valse des Monstres (all from the soundtrack). Other good songs by Yann are Le Demarche and La Plage, plus so many others. He is incredibly so just listen to him.
5. Roman Candle - Elliot Smith
I love this entire album, I used to addictively listen to it constantly (which is extremely rare for me, I never overplay music). It is heartbreaking, sincere, dark, and touching. Surprisingly, this used to be one of my favourite songs to sing along to. Condor Ave is my favourite song on the album, but I love every song. This was Elliot's first album and was also served as my introduction to him. It's completely honest and consistently mournful, yet carries an air of hope with it.
6. Who Killed Amanda Palmer - Amanda Palmer
I didn't feel like picking a song so please just listen to all of them. Amanda is an incredibly accomplished musician for such a young age, I saw her play live a couple weeks ago and it was the best concert I'd ever been to. She had a theatre troup travelling with her and they put on an incredible show, not to sound lame but it was pure art. Her songs are dark, sorrowful, playful, and wise. She made a series of videos that conceptually go in order to tell the story of her songs. You can watch them at ww.whokilledamandapalmer.com
Amanda was in a great band called the Dresden Dolls, check them out too!
There are so many more songs that I would like to share, but I need to go to bed. I'll continue this list later.
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