I was just reading my textbook for Environmental Politics and I came across this quote that I thought I would share, by Zapatista spokesperson Subcomandante Marcos.
We have a choice. We can have a cynical attitude in the face of media, and say that nothing can be done about the dollar power that creates itself in images, words, digital communication, and computer systems that invade not just with an invasion of power, but with a way of seeing the world, how they think the world should look. We can say, well, 'that's the way it is' and do nothing. Or we can simply assume incredulity: we can say that any communication by the media monopolies is a total lie. We can ignore them and go about our lives. But there is a third option that is not conformity, nor skepticism, nor distrust: that is to construct a different way, to show the world what is really happening, to have a critical world-view and to become interested in the truth of what happens to the people who inhabit every corner of the world.
(Subcomandante Marcos 1997)
This quote seems true to any type of large scale corruption, either we can ignore the corruption and go on supporting the source of the corruption without question, we can avoid the situation and have nothing to do with it, or we can create our own alternative. (Really, the only way to get anything to change is to do it yourself, not alone but with a group of others who are also affected by the situation). Just because a news source is 'alternative' does not mean that it should go unquestioned, it is important to look critically at EVERYTHING.
I came across this photo of t-shirts of his face. (photo credit: Wade [www.travelersphotographs.com]) That's great and all to be showing support of the Zapatista movement, I'm just hoping this image won't go the same path that (cli)che Guevara's did. It's bad enough to see all these huge corporations that have no connection to their producers cashing in on the 'green movement' by selling t-shirts that have silly messages about recylcing or hugging trees, or just throw around the word green in some trendy way. Somehow this makes people feel better about the clothes they are buying. Honestly, if you don't know what your talking about and don't actually care enough to make changes in your life, then don't walk around wearing messages that you care nothing about. Any shirt sold by the GAP, Roots, American Eagle, etc. that tries to convey some message about a social movement is one of the best examples of hipocrisy I can think of. I will be rolling in my grave if my face ever lives on to be printed on t-shirts made by sweatshop labour.
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